Our Strategy

Flexibility is strength

Our proprietary live/work loft communities are designed with the flexibility to attract market segments that are large, growing and underserved by other real estate products:

  • Singles and Couples without children (a majority of US households)

  • Businesses with 10 or fewer employees (76% of all US companies)

  • 90 Million people who now work from home (up from just 8 Million in 2015). The transition away from the office is the largest and fastest migration in human history.

  • Working from home is now twice the size of the US apartment industry. Most apartments cannot effectively support commercial utility. Ours can.

While most real estate assets limit demand by limiting use, Madison Highland’s live/work lofts MAXIMIZE demand by expanding functionality.  

Every live/work loft can be rented at all times, as either a chic loft style apartment, an inspiring and light filled office, or an otherwise impossible to find combined live/work space.  The end user decides the use.  Rather than adjusting their life to suit our buildings, our buildings adjust themselves to the tenant. 

Using our proprietary “apartment +” platform, all live/work units feature 12-month leases, tenant-paid utilities to encourage conservation, and the ability to immediately oscillate between uses instantly and for no additional cost to generate maximum income stability and upper-quintile revenue growth.

Good enough is never good enough

Our investment strategy is simple.  Build a permanent competitive advantage in everything we do.  Always.

Madison Highland’s live/work loft buildings are specifically crafted to increase both the function and beauty of space, reduce time to market, and target large, growing and under-served market segments.  The result? Superior assets with greater utility, lower cost and higher returns.  

“In the monolithic crowd of multi-family development, Rob continues to challenge himself with projects and ideas that reinforce his stature as one of the most creative and trend setting developers.”

—Adam B., Client

Real estate is not a commodity

In an industry based on comparability, most assets strive to be as much like their competition as possible.  This “strategy” is self-defeating.

Madison Highland’s live/work loft projects feature not only what our competitors offer but, more importantly, what they don’t. With “fixed assets”, if you can be better than your competition on day one, you can always be better. Better assets, smartly targeted make better investments. Success doesn’t happen by chance; it happens strategically. By design.

The Baker’s Dozen best practices

For us, building a permanent competitive advantage boils down to a handful of core principles: thirteen to be precise. We think of these as the ingredients of successful design and development.